The Doan Family Circus

The Life and Times Of Lucas Doan and his family.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

One Month Old

Our little man is already one month old and it is hard to believe. It has been 4 of the most wonderful, exhausting, eye opening, and rewarding weeks of our lives. No one can truly prepare for how your life changes with a newborn. It is more challenging and more incredible than I could have ever imagined. It is amazing how much love I feel for Lucas and have felt for him the moment they placed him in my arms. It has truly been an amazing month full of memories and I look forward to the next months ahead and all the changes and developmental milestones that Lucas will hit.

We have already made some strides even within the past couple days. He hated his swing at first and refused to sit in it for even a few minutes. Now just this morning he has slept in it for hours. He has been sitting in it more and more each day. (Yay!) As for sleeping, he has been doing really well this week. Yes, he was in our bed a few nights, but then I figured out the problem. When he slept with us we didn't hold him or snuggle him because I was so scared of his suffocating. Jeremy would go down to the couch and Luke would lay in his spot so I couldn't figure out why he liked it so much more than his bassinet. Then I thought well maybe it is the mattress. Maybe he would like his crib better since it is a real mattress like the bed. We put him in his room last night and Bam!!!! He slept on his own, in his room, in his crib like a big boy and it was a great night!!! Now, this was after Jeremy and I checking to be sure the monitor was working 50 times and going in to check on him before falling asleep because we were scared he wasnt' breathing or something else horrible! He is so little to be out of our room and on his own and it was so scary and weird not having him in there, but hey it appears to be what he wanted. We will keep our fingers crossed that it continues to work and he continues to sleep well. :)

So Lucas thanks for a great month in which your dad and I have grown in more ways than I can count and have been challenged more than ever. You are truly a blessing to our lives and we can't even imagine all of the wonderful times and moments we have to look with you. Happy 1 month birthday!!

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